Friday 25 November 2011

(Other) Radio Advertisements

This is one of the radio adverts i could find. This again shows the sheer lack of interest in radio advertisements. This advert is american as i had lots of trouble finding an english radio advert. American adverts are alot more emphasised.

(Lack of) Radio Advertisements

I have been trying to research radio advertisements in the last few weeks to give me a few ideas for my own project. In this time i have descovered that a newspaper radio advert is very uncommon. Even the tv ads aren't in their bucket fulls either. But there are plently more tv ads than radio ads. I have no idea why this is. Not even local papers seem to advertise on the radio, weather it be through a lack of funding or weather it being just unneeded.

Friday 18 November 2011

(Poster) Advertisement ideas

For this i have 2 initial ideas. My first idea is to use the slogan "bringing manchester closer", and use an actual picture of manchester and somehow have them all pulling together (coming closer).
My second idea is to just have a simple image of the front cover of my paper, preferably on a tilt, and just simply have the words, "out now" underneath to try and tempt potential customers into buying it.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Radio advert ideas

My initial idea for the advert will be to have sound clips all joined up, and then in the breaks have "key words" that the paper will contain, eg, Sport, Local News, Weather.
I will be using the college recording studio and using audacity to record the recording, them use adobe premier to do the final edit and add the music.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

New Front Page Story

My original idea has been replaced by a newer idea of which 2 warehouse workers save thousands of pounds of equipment be beating off robbers with fire extinguishers. Below is my picture in which i am going to be using for my front cover.

Friday 4 November 2011

Newspaper Ideas

I have 3 story ideas.
For my front page, i had decided on health inspectors shutting down the college due to health and saftey standards.
For my inside stories i am going to do about a new local DJ, and a local boy winning an eating contest.

Selected Slogan

For my slogan i have chosen "Bringing Manchester Closer". After much thought and consideration, i have decided upon this for my slogan for a few reasons. Firstly, it is very short, this is good as people are more likely to remember something that is short. Secondly, it is quite sharp and snappy. This again will help people remember the name. Finally, it gives the buyer a general idea on where the news is based, as it contains the area which it is based in, Manchester.


Today, i am looking into slogans from other newspapers across the globe. There are many including the following;
The Independent newspaper
Advertising slogans:
The quality compact. It is. Are you?

Wall Street Journal
Slogan: The daily diary of the American dream

Helsingin Sanomat newspaper
Marketing slogan: Scandinavia's BIGGEST newspaper

Evening Herald tabloid newspaper, Dublin, Ireland
Advertising slogan: Evening Herald. The Best Part of the Day

Daily Times newspaper, Lahore, Pakistan
Slogan: Your right to know. A new voice for a new Pakistan.

Scotland On Sunday, broadsheet newspaper
Tagline: Scotland up close.

The Sun, a British tabloid newspaper
Tagline: The Sun. We love it!

The similarity in all of these slogans is that they are all short and snappy. I believe that if i want to make a successful slogan it also need to be short, snappy but also memorable. If i can make it these three things then i think that it will make my radio advert sound better, but also it will improve my poster as it will become more memorable.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Newspaper TV adverts

I have been researching newspapers for the past few weeks and have been looking at advertisements. There isn't actually that many, but i have found a few TV adverts online. The common trend in these adverts is that it doesn't actually advertise the newspaper, but more what is available through the newspaper (eg, The Sun holidays and free DVDs). This could be because of the "online" generation now wish to access news through other forms rather than the actual newspapers, but rather online or on a mobile phone. Here are 2 examples of TV adverts from the sun.

Sales figures for Regional Newspapers

The table below shows the recent trend in newspaper figures. The second column is the average distribution figure. And the last column is the percentage in which the paper has increased or decreased. This shows that the current trend in people buying the local papers are decreasing everywhere, and not just in more local areas like Wigan, but even the bigger city's like Manchester and Liverpool

Wigan Evening Post
Lancashire Telegraph
The Gazette, Blackpool
Manchester Evening News
Liverpool Echo
Liverpool Daily Post
Newcastle Evening Chronicle
The Bolton News

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Newspaper Headlines Ideas

This is my first copy of my potential headlines. With my paper being a local paper, it is always based upon local stories and crysis'.

Front Cover Analysis

Below I have posted 3 newspaper front covers the I have analysised. There are 2 local papers (Wigan Observer and Metro) and a National paper (Daily Mail). The most common thing throughout the 3 papers is that they all have a very simple design, even more so on the local papers. The local papers both contain some sort of advertisement, even though the metro is only a competition, it still advertises. Whereas the Daily Mail can just advertise based upon the stories on the front cover.

Daily Mail Analysis

Metro Analysis

Wigan Observer Analysis

Thursday 29 September 2011


For my A2 media coursework, i am going to be doing a newspaper. This will be primarly based upon a local newspaper with local adverts.