Wednesday 29 February 2012

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

To keep my newspaper matching and looking professional, i had to keep all of the font, colour scheme and size the same.

When first combining my main product and the ancillary texts i knew that i needed the style of it to keep the same for it to create a good combination. This was done by using the colours in my logo (red, black and white). This created a more professional look as it looked like it was all from the same newspaper which was the effect i was going for. This was for my front cover and the first page of the newspaper. It was vital that they felt that they were from the same brand because if not there would of been no consistency in my piece.

For my other piece (My advert) i have carried on the trend, by having a black background, with white arrows and red text. Then finally i had the logo on the bottom of it to make sure that the reader knew where the advert was from. This added consistency gives a professional feel to the newspaper and gives more brand exposure than if i was to have different colours all the time. This will hopefully allow my readers to connect with the colour scheme.

Also with the advert, i think it describes the newspaper very well. As i am advertising a new paper, the newer generation want their news to be straight to the point, with no waffle. Even though this wasn't my initial idea for my advert, after playing about with a few ideas i thought that this looked the most professional and gave the reader a good idea about what we are all about.

Overall i found that to be successful with my products, i need consistency, powerful messages, good advertisements and a catchy slogan. I think i have achieved all of these within my products as all my products look related through the colour schemes and the use of my logo. The powerful messages being embedded within the stories. Good advertisement through my poster, and my main slogan 'Bringing Manchester Closer' makes the reader feel involved by reading the paper.

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