Saturday 12 May 2012

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

In the media, and everyday life in general, getting to know what the audience think is essential! So this is why people choose to ask the audience for their feedback, as it is them who will be using and paying for the end product. This way i could easily find out what needed changing in my media products, and find out what was actually good in my products. The main ways which i conducted were in surveys and by asking people in person.

This was one of the things that i found interesting during my research was that over half of the people interviewed don't or rarely read newspapers. This is quite sad state to be in. With the internet being as big as it is, and more and more people getting their news from their mobiles. This almost makes it feel almost useless producing a newspaper. Maybe a website, or even an app would be a better way to spread new news.

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